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Consultation on Proposed School Expansion - July 2018
You may well be aware that there are proposals for expanding the school. We are pleased to announce that the project has moved on and a planning application is likely to be submitted during the school holidays.
Although you will be able to make formal comments through the planning process, Chesterton School and the developers would like to give you the opportunity to see initial plans and make comments beforehand. Drawings of the proposed new classrooms and expansion of Maple classroom are below, and on the noticeboard outside Mr Horner's office. Please take time to review the drawings and forward your comments to Mr Horner via email: head.3082@chesterton.oxon.sch.uk
Thank you!
Chesterton CE Primary School
Alchester Road, Chesterton, Bicester
Oxon OX26 1UN
Tel: 01869 252498